Empowering Horse Farm Workers of Equine Health Care
to improve Horse Welfare.
- Prevention is Better Than Cure: 预防胜于治疗(防患于未然):
- Body Score Condition 体况指数
- Ulcers and Equine Gut Function 胃溃疡和马的肠胃功能
- Crossword Ulcer and Equine Gut Function 字谜-胃溃疡和马的肠胃功能
- Art of feeding 饲料配制的艺术
- 10 Common Horse Feeding Mistakes 十大常见马匹饲喂错误
- Hay Hay Hay 草料的重要性
- Putting Weight on A Skinny Horse 帮助“皮包骨”的马增加体重
- Understanding The Essential Role -Oil 油在马匹日粮中不可或缺的作用
- Stall Living or Turn-Out Living – Which One is the Best Life for Your Horse 遛马
- Winter Care and Feeding of Horses 马匹冬季护理和饲养
- Winterize your horse 冬季护理及饲养的心得
- Transporting Horses by Land and Air. 进口马到中国 空运和陆运马匹的建议
- Parasite Control in Horses 马房管理——寄生虫的防控
- Myths that Saboutage and Secrets That Guarantee Success: 纯血马饲喂:具有破坏性的迷信和保障成功的秘密
Dr Kathrine Davis
B.Sc., BVMS., DVM,
Dr. Kathrine is Honorary Dean and Distinguished Professor in Equine Science to Qingdao Agricultural University and also, Honorary Consultant to the Shandong Horse Owners Association.
At QAU she teaches special topics in Equine Science including Introduction to the Chinese Equine Industry, Career Opportunities within the Chinese Equine Industry, Equine Reproduction, Nutrition, Management, Husbandry, Horse Breeds and Conformation, plus numerous Veterinary Medical topics. Her innovative courses - How to Design and Construct Animal Welfare “Friendly” Equine Facilities and Employee Code of Conduct classes demand students create their own “blueprint” for their future in the industry. Her classes are highly interactive and students are encouraged to share experiences and ask questions. Most popular with her students are the guided working visits to local stables where they experience “hands-on” Natural Horsemanship and practical lessons on husbandry, management, simple veterinary procedures and safe handling practices.